Les gagnants de l’ADC pour vendredi ?


La rumeur cours déjà depuis quelque jours. En effet, la FAQ sur le site de l’Android Developer Challenge, précise que les 50 finalistes de la premières étapes seraient connus dans la semaine du 5 mai.

Un message posté par Dan Morrill en personne sur le Google Group le confirme :

Actually, if I recall correctly the judges are due to have their scores on
the 100 back to us by Wednesday. Then we have to tabulate the scores, and I
think the legal department has to finish their eligibility review (to make
sure no submitters are known terrorists, and that sort of thing. ;)
So I don’t think we’ll be able to announce anything before Wednesday. But
as far as I know we are still on track to announce sometime next week.

– Dan

Alors, réponse cette semaine ?

La liste des finalistes sur frandroid

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