Beaucoup se posaient la question d’une mise à jour vers Android 2.1 de leur HTC Tattoo. L’information vient d’être confirmée par HTC.
Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS 2.1 is available that you are excited to get an update for your Tattoo. We are still working hard to building Sense for this new version but we expect to have the upgrade finished and ready to go soon. Please understand that it takes time to customize any Android version to ensure you have the intuitive experience Sense provides, and we hope you can be patient for just a little while longer.
Il faut juste un peu patienter… comme sur HTC Hero / Dream et Magic.
Merci à Etienne D.
Rejoignez-nous de 17 à 19h, un jeudi sur deux, pour l’émission UNLOCK produite par Frandroid et Numerama ! Actus tech, interviews, astuces et analyses… On se retrouve en direct sur Twitch ou en rediffusion sur YouTube !
[...] we have just learned that the HTC Tattoo will indeed be getting an Android 2.1 update with Sense. Frandroid is reporting that a new ROM is in the works which will give Tattoo owners the much anticipated [...]
hell no, i am so upset that i bought the htc tattoo. What a waist, It will teach me for paying cash for a phone from htc, Can you imagine running around now with an iphone , I think we are all agreed, Htc need to swop our phones out free of charge, for one that has a better os Or buy our phones back from us, its the only fair thing to do. I wouldnt do this to my customers, its pure phone rape. And on another note, htc still switches off when battery is full, and deletes all my personal information, and cannot use blue tooth, Funny, every time i get a contact, i have to spread sheet it on my pc, (reliable) Cause tomorow,, ill have a factory reset phone when i take it off the charger.. DOGS BALLS !!!!!!
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Bon toujours pas prévue cette sortie? il se moquent de nous quand même, du 1.6 c'est dommage...
ah ah ah . eh oui, encore du vent. le 'be patient' est un peu leger. HTC nous a joue un vilain tour ... un buzz commercial et rien d autre. Dommage j y croyais. Je suis passe chez samsung now. Be very patient ...
1 an après.... et on rigole tous ensemble!!!
Bon, toujours rien de concret ? Quelqu'un l'a eu cette mystérieuse mise à jour ?
une date de sorti du patch ?
[...] HTC Tattoo sous Android 2.1, c’est confirmé ! [...]
Hey there! I happened upon your blog while I was searching for some health and fitness related terms in google earlier today. After I wound up here I stuck around a bit to go through one or two posts... interesting stuff. I will ensure that I get around again some time in the next month or two.
Au vu des annonces contradictoires sur son éventuelle mise à jour en 2.1, je dirais non. Parce que la 1.6, je veux pas dire, mais ça rame clairement. Il fait un très bon téléphone / terminal Internet d'appoint. Ceci dit, si c'est pour passer la journée sur le Web, mieux vaut se tourner vers un autre modèle je pense.
[...] Android site Frandroid shot a note to HTC to see whether or not the Tattoo would be getting the Android 2.1 treatment. [...]
[...] at first HTC said yes HTC Tattoo sous Android 2.1, c’est confirmé ! | FrAndroid - LA communauté francophone Androi... Then they changed their minds [...]
[...] Cela semble curieux et viens donc contredire ce que le site Frandroid avais laissé entendre d’après des sources qui pourtant semblaient plutôt fiables. [...]
bref, le tatoo est-il encore un bon achat ?
j'hésite à l'acheter, j'étais conquis par sa légèreté et sa sensibilité réseau mais la faible résolution de son écran semble présenter un problème majeur pour beaucoup. notamment du fait d'applis du market non compatibles. rassurez-moi : en navigation web, shazam, gps, il est performant ? merci
Si l'on laisse le firmware de base de orange (le truc tout pourri), pourras on faire la MAJ ?
pfffff, moi qui me faisait déjà des films! je pensais pouvoir enfi profieter de ce qui manque au tatoo.... (
[...] there you have it – we have to assume the original post was a mis-translation or just a blatant [...]
[...] Two budget Android phones that hit the sub 15-20k Android smartphone sweet spot are getting the 2.1 treatment. The Samsung Galaxy I7500, aka Spica has already got the Android 2.1 update in Germany, and it will be rolled out in other regions shortly. We’ve also got a confirmation from HTC in a statement that says that they are working on the update, and asks for patience from the fandroid community. [...]
[...] UK ????????????????????????? FrAndroid ??? ????????????????? Android 2.1 ?????? HTC [...]
[...] Android site Frandroid shot a note to HTC to see whether or not the Tattoo would be getting the Android 2.1 treatment. [...]
[...] has confirmed by means of an email to the French web frandroid that the terminal Htc Tattoo will have also his update to Android 2.1. According to the sent email, [...]
[...] a confirmé grâce à un email à la française web frandroid que la borne Htc Tattoo aura aussi son actualisation envers Android 2.1. Selon l’email [...]
[...] hat mittels eines Email der web-Französin frandroid bestätigt, dass das Terminal Htc Tattoo auch seine Aktualisierung in Android 2.1 haben wird. Nach [...]
[...] ?????????? ??????????? email ?? ??????????? ??? frandroid, ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ??? [...]
[...] [...]
[...] más concretamente os informamos que la compañía taiwanesa ha contestado a los chicos de FrAndroid con el siguiente correo: “Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS 2.1 [...]
[...] Source: FrAndroid [...]
[...] Kilde Categories: Android Tags: 2.1, HTC, Tattoo [...]
[...] El móvil HTC Tatoo se actualizará a Android 2.1, esto está asegurado gracias a la fuente directa en el blog frandroid. [...]
[...] The HTC Tattoo (also known as HTC Click), a low-end Android Phone might get an upgrade to Android 2.1 according to French Android site Frandroid [...]
[...] the latest news from Frandroid will give you hope. They are reporting HTC will update the Tattoo to Android 2.1, which is one of [...]
[...] ?????????? ??????. ????????, ????????? ??????? ? Frandroid ????? ?? ????? ???????. ?????? ????????, ??? HTC [...]
[...] Frandroid Android | HTC | [...]
[...] Tanto o Hero (que funciona com a versão 1.5) como o Magic receberam confirmações oficiais da HTC de que receberão atualizações para o mais recente sistema operacional do Google, além da completa personalização que o Sense UI utiliza. Lembramos que, desde o seu lançamento, o Tattoo recebeu a versão Android 1.6. Fonte [...]
[...] [via frandroid] [...]
[...] that doesn’t mean HTC doesn’t love it as much as the rest of their phones. French Android site Frandroid shot a note to HTC to see whether or not the Tattoo would be getting the Android 2.1 treatment. [...]
[...] The HTC Tattoo (also known as HTC Click), a low-end Android Phone might get an upgrade to Android 2.1 according to French Android site Frandroid [...]
[...] Android site Frandroid shot a note to HTC to see whether or not the Tattoo would be getting the Android 2.1 treatment. [...]
[...] we have just learned that the HTC Tattoo will indeed be getting an Android 2.1 update with Sense. Frandroid is reporting that a new ROM is in the works which will give Tattoo owners the much anticipated [...]
[...] [Frandroid] No TweetBacks yet. (Be the first to Tweet this post) [...]
[...] the latest news from Frandroid will give you hope. They are reporting HTC will update the Tattoo to Android 2.1, which is one of [...]
[...] hit meet scholarly that the HTC Tattoo module indeed be effort an Android 2.1 update with Sense. Frandroid is news that a newborn storage is in the entireness which module provide Tattoo owners the such [...]
[...] to an oddly-translated statement from FrAndroid, the company says that coding the new 2.1 upgrade with is Sense UI is taking [...]
[...] The HTC Tattoo, known more for its customization than specs, is currently the only Android phone available on Vodafone UK. And though it's just a low-end device, it's going to run Android 2.1 and HTC Sense. Not bad on paper. Not bad at all. [frandroid] [...]
[...] to an oddly-translated statement from FrAndroid, the company says that coding the new 2.1 upgrade with is Sense UI is taking [...]
[...] confirmación de Google ha hecho que los usuarios que dispongan de uno de los terminales como este esperan la nueva versión de este sistema [...]
[...] the latest news from Frandroid will give you hope. They are reporting HTC will update the Tattoo to Android 2.1, which is one of [...]
[...] is a inexpensive phone with HTC’s SenseUI, similar to the Hero. The french Android blog frAndroid recieved a message from HTC, and it translates [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] the latest news from Frandroid will give you hope. They are reporting HTC will update the Tattoo to Android 2.1, which is one of [...]
[...] Quelle [...]
[...] the latest news from Frandroid will give you hope. They are reporting HTC will update the Tattoo to Android 2.1, which is one of [...]
[...] TBC | £TBC | HTC (Via FrAndroid) iPhone blogging masterclass: all our videos in one place! The iPhone blogging masterclass [...]
[...] Fonte [frandroid] [...]
[...] Vía | FrAndroid. [...]
Yeeeeeeees! A moi ttes les ptites zapplis!
[...] dal sito francese Frandroid la conferma che HTC sia prossima a rilasciare un nuovo firmware basato su Android 2.1 per il suo [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] Via frandroid [...]
HTC US , la france est moins bavarde... peut etre qu'il m'enverrons un version beta test, dans ce cas si dans le NDA c'est pas spécifié je donnerais des screenshot de la bête :D
Comme quoi ca sert a quelque chose de spammé HTC US :D , j'avais contacté HTC france et sans réel réponse, j'ai posé beaucoup de question a HTC US pour pouvoir avoir cette info. :D J'ai HATE :D
[...] via frandroid [...]
[...] ?????????? Related Posts:HTC Tattoo – ???????? ???????Huawei ?????????? [...]
[...] to FrAndroid, HTC has confirmed that they’re working to [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
This is interesting. I wonder who else will get it :D
En espérant que HTC ne la sorte pas dans plusieurs mois...
[...] news comes via French Android site Frandroid, which says it received the following confirmation direct from [...]
[...] frandroid, sito di Android francese, arriva una nuova conferma che arriverà (prima o poi) questo benedetto [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] [via frandroid] [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] FrAndroid Categories: htc android Tags: android, HTC Tattoo, [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] to FrAndroid, HTC has confirmed that they’re working to integrate the Sense UI on the Tattoo for Android 2.1. [...]
[...] frandroid] All, [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] owners: the HTC Tattoo is getting an upgrade to Android 2.1. According to French Android website Frandroid, HTC has confirmed the upgrade: Kindly note we understand that now that a phone running Android OS [...]
[...] notizie per i possessori di HTC Tattoo. Anche loro infatti, secondo quanto riportato poche ore fa dal sito francese FrAndroid, saranno presto in grado di aggiornare il proprio device all’ultima versione attualmente [...]
Tout est dit : "We hope you can be patient for just a little while longer." non pas pour avoir une confirmation de la màj, mais pour se la procurer.
[...] Tattoo sous Android 2.1, cu2019est confirmu00e9 ! : Tags: fresh, [...]
[...] ha confirmado mediante un email a la web francesa frandroid que el terminal Htc Tattoo tendrá también su actualización a Android 2.1. Según el email [...]
[...] [via frandroid] [...]
Aleluia et pour ce qui hesite encore c une bonbe de thecnologie et un bohneur pour moi
Ce n'est pas du spam mais des trackbacks, on va essayer de les rendre plus discrets en effet.
C'est quoi ce spam dans les messages ?
[...] (via) [...]
[...] [via frandroid] [...]
Très bonne nouvelle. On a enfin la confirmation.
mouais il y a rien qui confirme pour moi, la dedans... et encore moins pour le dream
Les Motorola Dext vont se retrouver bientôt tout seul, scotché en 1.5... ouin !
Plus qu'a avoir une date de mise en ligne. Possesseur du Hero, je l'attend toujours la MAJ du phone. Ceci doit etre pour mi-mars mais bon j'ai du mal a y croire. Pour moi ca sera aprés la sorti du Legend
[...] FrAndroid, HTC aurait confirmé qu’ils travaillaient bien à rendre disponible Android 2.1 sur le HTC Tattoo. Excellente nouvelle donc ! Wait & see maintenant. Catégories: Non classé Mots-clefs: [...]
Je suis Frandroid depuis que j'ai mon tatoo pour enfin avoir cette bonne nouvelle......merci frandroid pour le suivi
magnifique, mon Tattoo et moi avons hâte. J'espère que cette nouvelle version va optimiser certains point car je trouve qu'il rame un peu quand même.
[...] Du fait de la politique opaque de certains constructeurs, la mise à jour des différents modèles n’est pas aussi évidente que l’évolution du système. HTC vient de confirmer que le HTC Tattoo serait concerné par la mise à jour Android 2.1 qui est en préparation. Cela a été confirmé à un lecteur de Frandroid. [...]
Confirmé, comme pour le Hero... Mais on attends tj... :/
Désolée, je suis d'un naturel méfiant sur ce genre de chose ;) Plutôt bon signe alors. Wait and see.
Par e-mail...
Bon ok , ça me décide vraiment à prendre un tattoo cette fois ci...
Confirmé par HTC ou ?
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