Twidroid, dans sa version 2… 2.0.2 !


Twidroid, le client Twitter le plus populaire de l’Android Market a débarqué dans sa version 2.0 il y a une semaine, puis en 2.0.2. Toutes les nouveautés à la suite du billet sous forme d’une longue liste.


Par exemple, voici une photo envoyée par Korben lors de la manifestation anti-hadopi.

# 09-04-23 / 2.0.2:

* fixed DM reply function
* fixed handling of german umlauts and chinese characters
* added a profile button to jump directly to your own profile – press the menu button to update your profile image
* fixed reply notifications
* fixed issues with

# 09-04-20 / 2.0:

* note: we suggest to do a complete uninstall & fresh install when upgrading to this new release
* complete rewrite of the http-connection stack to improve connection quality
* update profile image feature
* fixed bug were twidroid forgot passwords with special characters
* search queries can now be saved
* added twitgoo support
* photos are now correctly added to media library
* revised input box size
* API: added contentprovider « content://com.twidroid.provider.Tweet/tweets »
* faster response on login/connection errors
* new credential verification mechanism
* GPS position handling of images in the media library improved
* images are now correctly added to the media library including latitude/longitude
* PNG image sharing support
* fixed minor bugs according to user feedback

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